15+ years devoted to providing turnkey tracking solutions to thousands of clients in Ghana and beyond.

Cloud-based or On-Premise

Fixed School Asset Tracking that’s as Easy as A-B-C

Improve accountability and ensure your district maintains compliance with funding requirements.


Laptops and tablets make great learning tools for students, but these types of assets cost schools and taxpayers a lot of money, so ensuring those items are tracked effectively with an automated, efficient procedure is a must. AssetCloud allows you to easily check-in/check-out expensive student-issued assets. Additionally, knowing what assets your school has is imperative to ensuring bond compliance and planning for future budget allocations and expenditures. With AssetCloud’s auditing feature, you can quickly conduct audits to know exactly what you have.

Also, most state and federal laws mandate that fixed assets be controlled and accounted for throughout their useful life. AssetCloud allows you to take control and maintain up-to-the-minute data all your fixed assets. AssetCloud gives you the ability to add, rename and add custom fields to the system, so your organization can capture all data necessary to comply with each mandate.

Key Benefits


Safeguarding your district from audits just became stress-free with fund management. Allocating assets to specific funds allows you to easily maintain which assets were purchased, the PO number, date and vendor, along with where the assets are being utilized.


Whether you’re responsible for a single school or an entire district, you need to account for every desk, chair, and projector. With AssetCloud’s multi-quantity feature, you can group all identical items together to maintain accurate counts without inflating your asset database.

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